Principal’s Message
Hello! My name is Marissa Borden. Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at 99th Street Elementary School. I am extremely honored and excited to continue to serve as the principal of 99th Street Elementary School! I consider our collaboration and mission an opportunity to do the most important work in the world…help children learn and grow. We have an extremely dedicated, caring, hardworking staff that is always working to ensure that our scholars are ready for the world.
As a staff, we believe that all of us --the school and community-- must work together to ensure success for all our students. Therefore, I invite you to be an active participant in your school whether it is as a volunteer, donor, or participator at our events, workshops, and meetings. This year 99th Street will be turning 100 years old. It will be a Century of Learning and 100 Years of Soaring! Join us for the celebration on Friday, March 28, 2025.
It is my desire to be transparent and keep you informed of the goings on at 99th Street. I plan to continue communication monthly with our parent newsletter. I encourage you to check out our website (, follow us on Facebook (99th Street Elementary School- Los Angeles), and make sure you get our Connect Ed Message. As principal, I welcome your input, and my door is always open. Please feel free to contact me with your questions, concerns, and/or comments at [email protected]. Have a great school year!